Tuesday, 18 May 2021

 Visitors included:

Sunday 23rd May

I-WLFX F2TH a1836 N/S TJD23 from Paris

D-IKBO C525 a1932 d2022 Valencia/Malaga

N613LF G550 N/S d2145 to Luton

Saturday 22nd May

G-OJER C56X a1103 GMA598 from Manchester

N613LF G550 a1155 N/S from Farnborough First Visit

Friday 21st May

G-IPAX C56X N/S d1005 EDC261 to Faro

D-CGER C525 a1434 N/S ECA12C from Nice First Visit

On arrival Citation D-CGER managed to pop a tyre resulting in closure of the airport for a small while. This disruption caused OE-FHK to divert to Manchester.

Thursday 20th May

SP-OOK BE40 a0903 d0947 SAH51P Belfast/  First Visit

G-IPAX C56X a1158 N/S EDC261 Inverness

Wednesday 19th May

G-IACZ AT76 N/S d0915 EZE912 Southampton

G-MSFX E550 a1055 d1213 FLJ51S Larnaca/Faro

N220AM SR22 a1715 from Sherburn

Tuesday 18th May

G-IACZ AT76 a2220 N/S EZE9102 Southampton

Monday 17th May

ZZ507 B350 2x missed approaches at 0930/0940 Waddington/Tee-side First Visit

2-RBTS C525 a0944 d1100 ORT22A Luton/Jersey

G-IACY AT76 a1457 d1550  EZE901/9101 Southampton/Southampton

Sunday 16th May

G-SPRE C550 a1137 d1229 SYG2 Birmingham/Southampton

Saturday 15th May

OE-FZC C510 a1147 d1256 GAC595J/606D Limoges/Luton

G-REXA BE20 a1256 d1357 REV966P/966 Jersey/Jersey

Friday 14th May

Nothing to report

Thursday 13th May

OE-IBI B734 a0755 d1848 TAY1476/1477 Shannon/Shannon

SP-TTA BE40 N/S d0810 SAH59P Belfast

G-GAAL C56X a0830 d1535 LNX44AL Belfast/Belfast

N299CX C750 a0850 EJM29 Goose Bay First Visit

G-LFBD C525 a0932 d1006 CLF68 Bristol/Exeter

Wednesday 12th May

SP-TTA BE40 a1422 N/S SAH59P Lisbon

Tuesday 11th May

2-CLEV C525 a0809 d1547 CRX9A Kerry/Oxford

2-MLBU PA46 a0938 d1000 Blackpool/Blackpool First Visit

G-ZINC C182 N/S d1018 Blackpool

Monday 10th May

Nothing to report

Sunday 9th May

G-SHUI C68A a1432 d1433 EDC475 Luton/Jersey

Saturday 8th May

G-LCYM E190 N/S d1202 ENZ343P Gatwick

2-FIFI BE20 a1404 d1643 ORT22H Farnborough/Jersey

G-JOTS RJ1H a1428 d1636 ENZ167P/167 Manchester/Stansted

Friday 7th May

G-HEBS BN2P N/S d1339 Oban

G-LCYM E190 a1600 N/S ENZ166 Stansted

Thursday 6th May

Nothing to report

Wednesday 5th May

Nothing to report

Tuesday 4th May

Nothing to report