Saturday, 6 May 2017

Leeds Bradford

D-CXLS   C560 d1255  AHO737K
D-CAWM  C560  a1045 d1940   Oxford
N147LK  SR20  a1220
C-FWGH B737  Op for TUI various times
G-ZAPX  B757 a0703  d1643 Stansted - Ops for Jet2 T/F Faro

Other based G/A
G-GZOO  G200 a1355  APX1CP

Based Ryanair

Non Based Ryanair
EI-DWH FR2493/2 a1002 d1109  TFS
EI-EBZ FR2047/8 a1057 d1202  ACE
EI-DAD FR2333/2 a1920 d2011

Scheduled / Charters - not based
OM-GTD  B737  a2249  d2350  MLT804 / 804T Perpignan / Bratislava

G-LSAJ Returned from Amsterdam this lunchtime following problems and
subsequent shut down of the right hand engine on 2nd May on the return
flight from Corfu to Leeds.

G-LSAI returned to Manchester from Alicante after suffering a tail strike on
the 10th of April. Initial reports suggested a write off, but for information the
aircraft returned transiting at FL100 and the return flight nearly 4 hours.

Movement credits: Mark B, Danny, Perky